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Accepted aid = protected enrollment

If you have accepted aid and no unsatisfied requirements, your enrollment is protected on the payment deadline. If you are unable to accept a financial aid offer or satisfy financial aid requirements before the payment deadline, make a payment on your account or enroll in a payment plan to protect your enrollment.

Financial aid disbursement and refunds begin a few weeks into the semester.  It is possible to accept and receive financial aid later in the semester. When this happens, this could result in a reimbursement of prior payments made out-of-pocket.

Accepted financial aid will pay to an eligible student who:

  • is enrolled in eligible credit hours (eligible means required on your degree audit)
  • has all financial aid requirements satisfied
  • is in good academic standing for financial aid
  • is in a program that has a financial aid eligible major

Disbursement is a process that occurs a few weeks into the semester. This is when accepted financial aid is applied to the student's account to pay their balance. Excess financial aid after charges are paid results in a refund to the student.

Do you have accepted financial aid?

To find out, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to My赌钱app可以微信提现
  2. Find the Financial Aid & Scholarships card
  3. Clink on the My Financial Aid link
  4. Click the offer tab
  5. View any financial aid that has been posted on your account

Is your financial aid enough to cover your charges?

You can find if your accepted financial aid covers your charges by following these steps:

  1. Log on to My赌钱app可以微信提现
  2. Find the Enroll and Pay card
  3. Click the Pay for Classes link
  4. Under Student Account you will be able to view your balance after accepted aid has been applied. For more information, review the Disbursement and Refund Process below.

See our Refunds and Direct Deposit page for more information, including dates as they become available for an upcoming semester.

Did you know you can turn your financial aid funds into 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dining Dollars?

Depending on the amount of your financial aid, 赌钱app可以微信提现 can load excess funds into your Dining Dollars account for you to use for dining here on campus! Federal financial aid funds such as loans and grants are used to pay for educational expenses, including meals. You may be able to use funds for other campus charges too, including on-campus childcare and bus passes.

After you have accepted your financial aid offer, contact our office to see if you are eligible. The request must be completed before your financial aid is disbursed for the semester.

You can review your financial aid package in your My Financial Aid at any time.  Ahead of disbursement, pending aid will show as Estimated Financial Aid on your student account.  Once disbursement begins if there are any excess funds after tuition and charges are applied, this is known as a financial aid refund. Please review the refund dates posted each semester. 

  • If Amount Due has a negative sign (-) before the dollar amount, no payment is needed. This indicates anticipated aid/payments are greater than charges. This will result in a refund.
  • If Amount Due is zero, no action is needed.
  • Amount due may not reflect recent enrollment or payment activity, including any book advance funds used or dining dollars allocated
  • A positive Balance including estimated aid means that your financial aid does not cover the full amount, and you owe the remaining. See payment options or contact the financial aid office to view aid options.

Some exceptions, listed below, could affect the timing of your refund:

  • Incorrect address - If you need to change your address, please submit the Change of Name and Address Form. Having an incorrect address on file may delay the time that it will take to receive your aid.
  • Late-start classes - If you're enrolled in late-start classes, the disbursement of your funds may be delayed. This, and other Federal Regulations can also affect disbursement.
  • Non-attendance - If you don’t attend the classes for which you receive financial aid, you may have to repay the funds you received. You won’t be able to re-enroll at 赌钱app可以微信提现 until you’ve finished repaying that money. Changes in enrollment - If you withdraw from any of your classes after the beginning of the term, you may be required to repay a portion of the funds you received.
  • Changes in enrollment - If you withdraw from any of your classes after the beginning of the term, you may be required to repay a portion of the funds you received. See Enrollment Intensity and Pell Grant.

Enrollment intensity only applies to Pell Grant eligibility. It is the percentage of full-time enrollment in which a student is enrolled. The chart below shows the different amounts of Pell Grant that will be paid to the student's account based on a student's enrollment.  

Enrollment Intensity (credit hours) % of Pell Grant
12  100%
11 92%
10 83%
9 75%
8 67%
7 58%
6 50%
5 42%
4 33%
3 25%
2 17%
1 8%


Financial Aid Package (found on the "Financial Aid & Scholarships” card on My赌钱app可以微信提现; click the “My Financial Aid” link, select the correct Aid Year, then go to Offer)



MINUS Student Account Balance (tuition plus other charges, such as book advance funds used, minus any payments)


$ 600

 EQUALS Refund Amount